Bookshop Beats Fashion Titan: The Hermes Showdown.

Bookshop Beats Fashion Titan: The Hermes Showdown. Introduction. Bookshop vs Fashion Titan. Hermes, the Greek God. In this battle, a small bookshop named Hermes in Izmir, Turkey, clashed with the luxury French brand Hermès, spotlighting the complexities of trademark law. The bookshop, owned by Umit Nar, has operated for 15 years and draws its name […]

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Key features of a good registrable trademark

Here are some key features of a good registrable trademark: 1. Distinctiveness: A good trademark should be distinctive, meaning it should be capable of distinguishing the goods or services of one business from those of another. Descriptive or generic marks are usually not registrable as trademarks. 2. Non-confusing: A trademark should not be confusingly similar […]

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Best time to register trade mark?

Best time to register trade mark? Prior to Launch Ideally, the best time to register a trademark is generally as soon as you have finalized the trademark and BEFORE the launch of your product/services. This is because the trademark registration process can take several months or even years to complete, depending on jurisdiction. This is […]

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When Not To Register Trade Mark ?

When not to register trade mark? There are several situations in which you may not want to register a trademark: Part of a Registered House Mark For example: Trademark 1 : Lymesol = Registered Trade Mark = Our main brand/ house mark. Trademark 2: Lymesol Trademark. This may not be a distinctive mark because it […]

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