Intellectual Property in the Pickleball Industry: Protecting Innovation and Growth

Intellectual Property in the Pickleball Industry: Protecting Innovation and Growth Protecting Innovation and Growth in Pickleball – Pickleball is no longer just a backyard game; it has evolved into a booming industry worth millions, fueled by innovative products, professional tournaments, and global appeal. As the sport grows, intellectual property (IP) has become a cornerstone for […]

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Best time to register trade mark?

Best time to register trade mark? Prior to Launch Ideally, the best time to register a trademark is generally as soon as you have finalized the trademark and BEFORE the launch of your product/services. This is because the trademark registration process can take several months or even years to complete, depending on jurisdiction. This is […]

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Global IP (Intellectual Property) filing reached new heights. Asia drives growth.

Source: Wipo. Fresh from the oven statistics by World Intellectual Property Organization WIPO, global IP reached new heights recently. The article/report with the reference publication PR/2022/897 dated Nov 21, 2022 shared interesting global statistics on IP filing trends in 2021. But why did Global IP reached new heights? Here is the summary extract of data […]

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Photography and Copyright. Can it be done?

What is Copyright? By definition, Copyright is; the exclusive and assignable legal right, given to the originator for a fixed number of years, to print, publish, perform, film, or record literary, artistic, or musical material. As a photographer, where do your right lie? Photographs are parked under artistic works, and you as the author and […]

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