
Exclusive right to control creative works created by the author. Works that are eligible for copyright are literary works, musical works, artistic works, films, sound recordings, broadcasts and derivative works.

Duration: Subject to types of work. (Literary work = Lifetime of author + 50 years)

Who may submit copyright notification: author or authors, company, joint ownership


  • Protection – prevent unauthorized use, show or play, distribute, sells, rent, exhibits, copying, etc.
  • Exclusive right of the owner to use, sell, license, mass produce, perform, etc
  • Allows author to claim originality rights of his/her creation (moral rights)
  • Recognized author’s right, to prevent users from distortion, mutilation or other modiciations of his/her works (moral rights)


Industrial Design

Protects the aesthetic appearance/features of an article.

Duration: 5 years from the date of filing. Extendable for four consecutive terms of 5 years each. Maximum protection period is 25 years.

Who may apply: Author/authors, Company, joint ownership.

Importance: Exclusive right to use the design – sell, license, import, produce, etc.

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