Trademark Registration Process in Malaysia
MyIPO Trademark Agnet in malaysia

Step 1: Trademark Search in Malaysia “One does not simply submit a trademark application to MyIPO without conducting search!” -Team Lymesol- You may still do so. However, you might be flushing resources (time & money) down the drain because you might already have a pending/registered mark with MyIPO! The old-forgotten-project done by yourself, your employee […]

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Can I Trademark Business Name In Malaysia?
trademark a business name malaysia

If you are referring to incorporation / formation / registration of a company, sole proprietor, enterprise, or partnership  – you need to seek the Companies Commission of Malaysia / Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM). Business name = / ¹  Brand name If your business name is also your brand name, then yes it is a […]

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Can You Trademark a Building?

Usually, Trademarks are only assigned to company logos and brands, or entities that make goods or services that are bought and sold or the goods or services themselves. This is to protect these commercial entities from other commercial entities that may seek to use their goodwill and brand recognition. One must abide the truth that […]

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Nike and Roger Federer battle for “RF” logo

If you haven’t heard already, tennis legend Roger Federer recently signed a sponsorhip deal with clothing conglomerate, UNIQLO. This deal is reportedly to be worth between $300 million and $410 million USD. The tennis legend and sporting giant, Nike, are now clashing over the ownership of the “RF” brand. “RF” of course, are the initials […]

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