Apple Loses Lawsuit
Apple vs Qualcomm

Tech giant Apple loses patent lawsuit. In a surprising move, Apple has settled its patent lawsuit with Qualcomm. This settlement would mean that Apple will now have to pay the Intellectual Property licensing fees to Qualcomm, which was the basis on the lawsuit in the first place. Why did Apple, a trillion-dollar company, back down […]

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Cartier battles for trademark of the word “LOVE”

What is “LOVE”? Love is a word that often gets thrown around, whether the person meant it or not. However, to a brand such as Cartier, it means so much more. It means so much, that in late December 2018, Cartier attempted to stop another jewelry brand from trademarking a branding slogan with the word […]

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If You’re Kiasu And Scared Of Copycats, You’ll Probably Need Intellectual Property Lawyer in Malaysia
Intellectual Property Lawyer in Malaysia

Lymesol is a law startup that focuses on the safeguarding of intellectual properties (IPs), where they help clients register trademarks, patents, copyrights, and other similar assets while also providing graphic design solutions. The company was founded in 2016 by law graduate April Lim and graphic designer Gerald Cheong. A good idea is always susceptible to […]

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Copyright Registration Malaysia?
trademark copyright agent malaysia

We know you have been frantically googling for copyright search Malaysia. We received quite a number of inquiries regarding copyright protection in Malaysia and it seems like most are uncertain of copyright protection and some are battling confusion between copyright and copywriting/copywriter. Let’s deal with the definition first. Quote Wikipedia, “Copywriting is the act of […]

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