Parody & Trademark Law

Parody and trademark law; US Supreme court recently agreed to decide on the above dispute. According Jack Daniel’s, the plastic toys are tarnishing its brand and their iconic bottle; violating its federal trademark rights based on the followings; Jack Daniels Bad Spaniels Old No. 7 brand The Old No. 2 Tennessee Sour Mash Whiskey Your […]

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Global IP (Intellectual Property) filing reached new heights. Asia drives growth.

Source: Wipo. Fresh from the oven statistics by World Intellectual Property Organization WIPO, global IP reached new heights recently. The article/report with the reference publication PR/2022/897 dated Nov 21, 2022 shared interesting global statistics on IP filing trends in 2021. But why did Global IP reached new heights? Here is the summary extract of data […]

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If you are a part of several people who won’t stop wondering about the reason and importance of trademarks, then this article is for you. In Malaysia, a trademark is a type of intellectual property consisting of a recognizable sign that is capable of being represented graphically or an expression that identifies products or services […]

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NFT & How To Protect It.

NFT. Chances are, you would’ve heard this term before. NFT stands for Non-Fungible Token. So what IS an NFT? An NFT is a unit of data stored on a digital ledger, called a blockchain. It certifies a digital asset to be unique and therefore not interchangeable. These digital assets can be in a form of […]

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