Malaysia gets updated Trade Marks Act in December 2019
Trademarks Act 1976

Come December 2019, Malaysian entrepreneurs will be able to trademark their Intellectual Property under the newly-amended Trade Marks Act 2019 The new Trade Marks Act 2019 will allow the registration of traditional and non-traditional trademarks. Example of non-traditional trademarks are; sounds, motion, holograms, shapes, colours, smells, position and patterns. Traditional trademarks are logos, brands, names, […]

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Apple Loses Lawsuit
Apple vs Qualcomm

Tech giant Apple loses patent lawsuit. In a surprising move, Apple has settled its patent lawsuit with Qualcomm. This settlement would mean that Apple will now have to pay the Intellectual Property licensing fees to Qualcomm, which was the basis on the lawsuit in the first place. Why did Apple, a trillion-dollar company, back down […]

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Intellectual Property Dissemination (Or The Lack of It)
Malaysia SME Lymesol

We recently ran an article on Malaysia SME on the topic of Intellectual Property awareness. In case you missed it, here is the article: Intellectual Property Dissemination (Or The Lack of It) Intellectual. Property. What comes to your mind when you hear those two words? In Malaysia, a very likely answer or response would be; […]

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Monetization of Intellectual Property In Malaysia

We recently caught up with the good folks at BEAM to discuss a few important topics regarding Intellectual Property. Namely, issues regarding Intellectual Property in Malaysia and the monetization of Intellectual Property. 1.    What is Lymesol about and how did you get started? What was the primary driver for starting this whole venture? What sort of solutions […]

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