Parody & Trademark Law

Parody and trademark law; US Supreme court recently agreed to decide on the above dispute. According Jack Daniel’s, the plastic toys are tarnishing its brand and their iconic bottle; violating its federal trademark rights based on the followings; Jack Daniels Bad Spaniels Old No. 7 brand The Old No. 2 Tennessee Sour Mash Whiskey Your […]

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Global IP (Intellectual Property) filing reached new heights. Asia drives growth.

Source: Wipo. Fresh from the oven statistics by World Intellectual Property Organization WIPO, global IP reached new heights recently. The article/report with the reference publication PR/2022/897 dated Nov 21, 2022 shared interesting global statistics on IP filing trends in 2021. But why did Global IP reached new heights? Here is the summary extract of data […]

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NFT & How To Protect It.

NFT. Chances are, you would’ve heard this term before. NFT stands for Non-Fungible Token. So what IS an NFT? An NFT is a unit of data stored on a digital ledger, called a blockchain. It certifies a digital asset to be unique and therefore not interchangeable. These digital assets can be in a form of […]

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How do Property Developers name their projects?

Have you ever wondered how property developers come up with names for their projects? Mont Kiara Sierramas Setia Eco Park Sunway City TTDI Eco Sky These are probably names you have heard before. Have you wondered what goes on in the background to come up with these names? One important thing to remember when selecting […]

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